New West Police Responds to Spike in Stolen Vehicles. Between January 1st and June 30th of this year there were 120 vehicles reported stolen in New Westminster, in addition to 53 reports of attempted thefts of vehicles. During this same six month period in 2013 there were 71 reported vehicle thefts and 19 reported attempts. NWPD are targeting know car thieves, Forensic Identification is stepping up investigations of recovered stolen cars (fingerprints, etc.) and working closely with the Provincial auto theft unit (IMPACT).
British Columbia has some of the highest theft of cars in the Western World. The most stolen cars in New Westminster, which is similar to what ICBC has reported in their statistics in the Lower Mainland:
- Honda Civics (1990-1999 models)
- Ford F350 Trucks (2000-2009 models)
- Honda Accords (1990-1999 models)
- Dodge Caravans (1990 -1999 models)

Most if not all of the Top Ten Stolen Cars and Trucks do not have Transponders or Chip keys.
Tips for protecting vehicles from theft:
-Add a Steering Wheel Club Auto Theft Deterrent. Even an inexpensive Club will deter most car thieves.
– Install an Alarm system that disables the vehicles if someone tries to steal the car.
In conclusion, “Crime is Not Random” add some basic security to your car, home or business and you reduce you being a victim of crime.
If you have been a victim of car theft call Mr. Locksmith to repair your car locks.