Mr Locksmith New Westminster

Information for Chinese Customers

先生。 锁匠温哥华 (Mr. Locksmith) -604-259-2522

Mr. Locksmith New Westminster: 604-259-2522

Mr. Locksmith Automotive New Westminster(604) 259-7617

我們是一家由家族經營的專業鎖店,在溫哥華,北溫,西溫, 列治文 ,蘭里市,三角州,新西敏,本拿比 ,高貴林,高貴林港, 滿地寶,
楓樹鎮和素里等地,提供24小時專業又安全的鎖業服務。 我們所有的服務人員都是同一家族。

We’re a family owned and operated business that provides Professional Locksmithing & Security Services in Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Richmond, Ladner, Delta, Tsawwassen, New Westminster, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Maple Ridge, and Surrey on a 24 hour basis. All our locksmiths are family. We’re competent, reliable, and friendly.

請撥打 (604) 773-5625 找 泰瑞。

Our locksmiths are trained at our own Locksmith College, which provides hands-on, comprehensive knowledge about locking and unlocking principles, security issues, and effective use of cutting-edge products. We give the kind of service that generates repeat business from happy customers. We’re invested in your satisfaction.

[播音员] 为何要选择温哥华的锁匠先生? 进不去门 需要钥匙? 如果您需要换锁 或是配钥匙 当您有住宅安全问题时 锁匠先生可以帮您 我们是您的24小时紧急修锁匠 无论您是需要配新钥匙 还是安装 新式高安全性门锁 我们都不在话下 修锁绝非只需$15或$25这般无足轻重 千万别被无照经营的网上假锁匠坑骗 我们的锁匠先生均为BC认证 安全可靠 需要专业锁匠的建议么? 请即刻致电锁匠先生 安排预约 我们全天24小时均可提供服务 内容包括 换锁服务 开房门服务 24小时锁匠服务 配钥匙服务 锁王系统 修锁 您的邮箱钥匙丢失 我们可以补配 还有高安全性门锁安装等等 我们的锁匠服务 覆盖城市的每个角落 如果您的门锁和钥匙出现问题 不用迟疑 即刻致电锁匠先生 或是在线安排预约

Why choose Mr. Locksmith Vancouver?

Locked Out? Need Keys? If you need a lock change or a lock re-key?

Mr. Locksmith Vancouver is here to help when you have a home security issue. We are here to help.

We are your 24-hour emergency locksmith. Whether you just need new keys or need a new high-security lock installed, we have you covered.

Our locksmiths are licensed, bonded and insured.

There’s no such thing as a $15 locksmith.

Need professional locksmith advice? Call Mr. Locksmith Vancouver now and book your appointment.

Need your locks re-keyed or need house lockout services in Vancouver? We’re here for you!

Call 24 Hour Mr. Locksmith Vancouver whenever you need locksmith service. We are available 24 hours a day!

Our services include:

* Lock change services
* Home unlock services
* 24 Hour locksmith service
* Lock rekey services
* Master key systems
* Lock repair
* Mailbox keys
* High-security lock installation

And much more!

We cover every corner of Vancouver with locksmith services. If you have an issue with your locks or keys, don’t wait any longer and call Mr. Locksmith Vancouver or book your appointment online now.

Mr. Locksmith Vancouver 604-239-0882

For On-line and Hands-on Locksmith Training Dates and Cities near you for Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced Locksmithing as well as my Covert Methods of Entry, Non-destructive Methods of Entry and to purchase the Famous “Dumb Key Force Tool” that opens Smart Key locks in seconds go to Mr. Locksmith Training

For Locksmith Franchise and Licensing Opportunities go to


Call Mr. Locksmith  Today for Professional Locksmith & Security Solutions in New Westminster British Columbia!

Contact New Westminster Locksmith. Do you require urgent assistance? Do you have any questions or concerns? No Problem, One of our trained professionals will be happy to serve you via phone, email or by filling out the contact form below.

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